"Hezbollah's strength (derives from) the gross vacuum left by the state." Hezbollah is not a state within a state, but rather "a state within a nonstate." Amal Saad-Ghorayeb, a professor at the Lebanese American University.
John Kifner. "Hezbollah Leads Work to Rebuild, Gaining Stature." The New York Times. August 16, 2006.
- In order to fight a non-state enemy, other states hollowed out a state. Whether Hezbollah is at fault or not is a non-issue.
- The non-state enemy proves (through 4GW) it is the only force capable of defending the people.
- the non-state builds alliances with other non-states and states to gather essential support.
- The non-state provides services (political goods) at a higher level of efficiency and value than the state (sys-admin).