That "other firm" is Italy's AGIP. In addition to attacks that shut down ~250,000 barrels a day (844,000 barrels a day total) earlier this week, MEND attacked the power supply to Agip's Brass city terminal today. The terminal was shut down. This is good example of an indirect approach to systems disruption used so successfully in Iraq (see BNW for exactly how this method of warfare is developing). It adds another 100,000 barrels of lost production. The guerrillas are closing in on 1,000,000 barrels of disrupted capacity. The loss of this capacity is already causing internal shortages of fuel in Nigeria and will likely result in substantial price hikes (from the heavily subsidized price). With this level of disruption, the idea of a shadow OPEC, where guerrilla groups have more power over pricing than Saudi Arabia, isn't that remote."We are moving on to other oil firms" MEND spokesman.
UPDATE: 4 American expats were kidnapped from a barge laying pipelines for Chevron today.