There are already significant signs that October's massive multi-government bail-out of the global financial system has failed (in less than a week). Worse, the fundamentals of the tangible economy are also showing signs of rapid onset failure. We are now headed towards a severe global recession (potentially depression) that will last years (or worse, a decade or more). Here's some potential headlines for articles we may read in the near to mid term (this crisis is moving quickly, so they may come sooner than later):
"The Zombie Nation-State" Financially fragile nation-states, depleted by numerous and massive bail-outs, now dominate the global landscape. What happened?
"The American Consumer RIP" Massive debt and diminishing incomes have killed the American consumer. We explain why the death of the American consumer will remake the global economy.
"The Incredible Shrinking DoD" How the US Department of Defense, which once controlled a budget as big as the rest of the world combined, will soon be less than half of its previous size.
"Why Did China Fail?" The collapse and subsequent split up of China caught the entire world by surprise. In this article, we explore the connection between the end of American consumerism and political failure in China.