Notes on this century's global depression (D2) and the wars that will emerge from its onset. Here's one potential scenario. Enjoy.
- The realization that peaceful protest, from marches and placard waving, has ceased to be effective tool of political change. Efforts are lost in the noise.
- Regulations on protest have neutered it. Protesters can't even get within earshot of 'protected' targets -- from the President to targeted firms.
- Police departments will crack down on protesters. From the use of counter-insurgency tactics and legal pressure against organizers to a rapid escalation to violence in the street (as the police in London are planning -- as in, no repeat of Athens here).
- the rapid proliferation of temporary autonomous zones as these groups take control of localities (as in, co-opt or cow police/local governance and coerce local populations not in the group membership),
- new forms of 'off the grid' economic activity (black market, smuggling, etc.) flourishes, and
- an open insurgency, mostly disruptive events meant to coerce and distract, between these groups and the national government that is trying to regain control.
How do you prevent the undertow of the failing global financial system from gutting your community via foreclosure/bankruptcy and debt (and thereby driving the development of global guerrillas) while at the same time building alternative forms of local commercial and/or cooperative endeavor? That's the big question.
* One thing that makes this "fat tail" of small violent groups interesting is that cumulative violence it can project is much greater than the modern nation-state can project. Why? Nation-state power is confined in a 'box' of its own making -- a combination of moral limits, legal restrictions, and global financial pressure enforce the walls of the box.