Been pretty busy over the last couple of weeks. Here's a recap of what I've been doing since my HASC (House Armed Services Committee) testimony:
- Working on the sale of a breakthrough software service on information terrain management. My team was able to put together something that is the first of its kind. It's very, very cool and something that may eventually change how wars are fought.
- Worked on a script for a new DreamWorks movie with Tom Cruise. Essentially, I made the bad guy scarier. Script writing is a ton of fun. Global guerrilla thinking is now in Hollywood ;->
- Writing papers on the future of warfare for the DoD. Lots of deep think stuff -- which is where I thrive.
- Speaking at various conferences. My latest one was entitled "Post-Industrial Media and Warfare." It drew on my experience pioneering blogging (and by extension much of social software) -- a company I managed years ago created RSS, the first aggregator, and many of the core features of social software. The speech was a big hit with the audience. NOTE: I think I have finally perfected my presentation style/content -- audiences are really jazzed, brains exploding with creativity, when I finish my riff.