Some items of interest:
- Mobile mesh phone service. While this is being developed as a backup to clogged lines/emergency for traditional hand-sets, there's probably a way to leverage social connectivity/gaming to sell a critical mass of devices that don't connect to the global telcom system. Sub $x00 devices that allow you to share pics/vids/songs, text with, and talk to friends in the mesh network that operate based on open standards. Mobile text/voice bridges for national/global connectivity would be open to any vendor via open APIs. In short, it could lay the basis for an Internet for mobile devices. Talk about a loss of control....
- The excellent blog, Credit Writedowns, calls it (here's a synopsis in all its color): The American "kleptocracy" has run out of steam due to too much debt and is already in the midst of a perpetual depression. Why? The US middle class -- faithful to the cult religion of free markets even while being taken for all they are worth via a 35 year process of substituting debt accumulation for income gains -- is financially broken. If this is even remotely true: is the US headed for Privatopia and the viral spread of Global Guerrillas?
- Marie Brenner has an excellent article on the Mumbai attack in VF. From unemployed decorators pulled into the bazaar of violence to satellite phone/Google command and control.
- Wired. Project Chanology and trolling. Open source dynamics.