Some random items of interest:
- UN: Global organized crime is a new superpower. "We have to start addressing the markets, which are gigantic in size," Costa said, adding that criminals who supply those markets have transformed themselves into a well armed, transnational "superpower." "The threat is not just economic," Costa said. "It is strategic, as criminals today can influence elections, politicians and the military. In one word, they can gain power."
- Homeland security to amp up Internet monitoring of US citizens. The erosion of the nation-state's power to protect/advance the well being of its citizens will be counter-balanced by a growth in efforts ensure compliance.
- Corporations as street gangs. Zero Hedge.
- $198 portable laser weapon. The diodes in Casio's new mercury-free Green Slim projectors apparently allow for unprecedentedly powerful portable lasers, and Wicked Lasers (the manufacturer) has gleefully harvested them for the 1 Watt Spyder III. It looks like a light saber.
- Looking for patterns in a local Afghan revolt against the Taliban (in an attempt to replicate what happened in Iraq). However, it looks like an ad hoc event rather than an opening for an open source counter-insurgency.
- Matt Armstrong (Mountain Runner) is hosting a one day training course on using new media to enhance national security.