Some random items of interest:
- Hersh on Cyberwar in the New Yorker. I've been in some of the high level discussions on cyberwar the USG is having, and it's a complete mess. There isn't any structure to the debate and it is being driven by refurbished Cold Warriors that don't understand it (all of them understand the $$ attached to it though).
- New Orleans: In seven years, New Orleans' crime camera program has yielded six indictments: three for crimes caught on video and three for bribes and kickbacks a vendor is accused of paying a former city official to sell the cameras to City Hall. (via Schneier)
- Estimates of the size of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska slashed by 90%. Was the earlier estimate pure spin?
- Chinese menace advertisement on YouTube. Used to promote a political position on the deficit and health care. (mi: 135,373) On that note: a short clip from a hilarious Chinese show called "Money Mind." (mi: 13,647)
- Online tool to promote the effectiveness of the USG's stimulus funds. It did just the opposite for me. I used the tool to check on stimulus spending in my zip and found that $3 m in grant money was spent to create one job. Stimulus tip (in an age of transparency): if you can't directly link $'s spent with a specific job, don't spend it.
- Video of Iranian militia shooting at protesters. (mi: 25,784) Vast majority of views coming from Iran. Interesting video of huge lines to get gasoline in Iran (mi: 1,753)
- More coming.
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