Some random items of interest:
- Capitalism's central planners. PDF: The Network of Global Corporate Control. This is the ETH Zurich paper that is getting lots of interest now. New Scientist adds some more insight with their coverage. Central planning is the underlying reason the Soviet Union collapsed so quickly. We are seeing the same central planning dynamic today, but on a global scale. NOTE: it's pretty telling that a paper of this importance to modern economics/finance wasn't written by academics in economics/finance. It had to come out of the technical field of complex systems.
- A homebrew Mead recipe on MiiU. Have more? Add them.
- Jim has added a page on "Green Manures" for tropical permaculture on MiiU.
- One idea for launching local scrip (a private currency that can generate local economic activity): use the local grade schools as a way to float it. Scrip works best if a portion of a) a common expense can be paid with it and b) a community can form around it. Grade schools fit the bill.
- Duqu, the new Suxnet worm?
- Dave Pollard has some excellent thinking on cascading crisis.
- Financial philosopher Nassim Taleb (of Black Swan fame) has an interesting interview on YouTube that's worth watching. He makes a tactical error equating OWS with class warfare (although he then goes on to express the OWS grievance as corruption in the finance sector), but the rest is good.