Jordan, a GG reader, sent me this. It's certainly not going to happen this way, but I thought it was funny enough to share w/some edits.
Transcript of Written Testimony by Peter Piper
Executive Director of NDA's ILA, before the House Judiciary Committee
April 25, 2024, submitted for Congressional record:
Mr. Chairman. My name is Peter Piper. I am Executive Director of the National Drone Association's Institute for Legislative Action.
We directly represent the views of over 3.3- million voters, and indirectly represent the views of perhaps 20 times that many Americans who peaceably own and use armed drones. The citizens who share our passion reside in every state in the Union. We are doctors, lawyers, teachers, farmers, construction workers, nurses, mechanics, housewives... we are men and women from across every professional, social, and political spectrum.
Above all, we are peaceable people. There is one thing we are not. We are not criminals. Our wish to pursue our individual right to own and bear small arms has nothing to do with criminal violence. Our wish to fight any further encroachment on our rights has nothing to do with crime and criminals. With what this Congress is proposing -- a prohibition on armed drone ownership -- we are angry.