The US government took down Silk Road 2.0, the anonymous marketplace.
They also arrested the young, hipster, nerd kingpin from Texas running it.
Of course, doing this cost countless man-years and tens of millions to accomplish. It also tied up a huge hunk of the FBI's computer talent.
Talent, time, and money that should have been spent going after computer crimes that actually matter. For example... nearly every American with a computer or cell phone has been under assault by phishers, hackers, and automated scams. These attacks suck countless billions out of (particularly retired) US households and small businesses every year, and law enforcement is doing nothing to stop it.
It gets worse. The non-violent Silk Road was competitive with violent drug Cartels. Cartels that routinely do business like this, rather than through a mouse-click.
In short, by taking down the Silk Road, the FBI just made the world safer for the Cartels.