Here's some interesting outliers. Information that isn't easy to parse. Over the last week, local ISIS forces have:
- Publicly executed 13 teens in Mosul who were watching a soccer game (Iraq vs. Jordan).
- Rounded up 15 teen boys for raising pigeons as a hobby in Diyala. They executed three of them and burned the birds.
Why did they do this? It wasn't just because they were being strict. The key to unlocking this is found in this simple statement:
"It distracted them from a focus on Islam"
In other words, these activities made it more difficult for ISIS is recruit these boys for jihad. So, by making the distractions and activities for teen boys prohibatively dangerous -- it makes peace boring.
PS: Indoctrination in the military and with cults begins by stripping all vestiges of normal life away until nothing is left but the ideology.