I've been asked to do an AMA (ask me anything) with Reddit's largest group (200k members).
Please join me in welcoming John Robb for an AMA this Friday, August 12th, at 7PM EST!
John is an entrepreneur, defense and political expert who pioneered the theory of open source warfare. You can read much more on his blog, Global Guerrillas.
And you can read John's bio here.
Open source insurgencies are informal associations of many independent groups. Members work towards a “plausible promise” – a shared goal that is broad enough to interpret according to one's own needs.
Global elites are hollowing out the nation-state, creating the vacuum in which open source insurgencies thrive.
Why is this interesting for the election? Because Trump’s campaign is also an open source insurgency. This is the science behind meme magic, and it’s why the establishment is doing everything they can to stop it. But while these types of movements win, something more is needed to build - John is also an expert in decentralized, resilient economies. The type that can bring security and stability in an era of automation and institutional collapse.
If you want to learn more about how Trump's campaign works and what it might mean for the future, you don't want to miss this AMA!
Again, please join me - this Friday, August 12th, at 7PM EST!
A few articles of interest - very much worth the read!