I've decided to publish a report on Global Guerrillas topics (a PDF and/or podcast interview) via Patreon. This report will allow me to dive a good bit deeper into a dangerous topic than would be possible with a post alone. It will also provide a way to get some discussion going again (not possible in an open forum).
I'll send the first report out to subscribers in a few days. It will be entitled:
Russian Interference, Reflexive Control, and Nonlinearity (beyond the ads, trolls, and fake news).
Hope you join me. Should be fun.
John Robb
Bonus: To kick off my first report I'll include a PDF outline of my "27 Rules for Global Guerrillas." It will include rules for open source insurgency and systems disruption, written in a sparse Roger's Rangers style. With each new report, I'll throw in an expanded rule (rule + examples + expansion) or additional rules as we find them.