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August 12, 2005



Thanks John - thought about this issue just yesterday and wondered when Bush will fire Rumsfeld.

You can see the same playing out in the economic field where Greenspan is not chooking off Bush's spend-and-decrease-taxes fueled bubble.

BTW I still wonder why they fired Gen. Byrnes. The official reason is unplausible. Was he a "non-cooperative center of gravity"? And then why?

Chet Richards

John - interesting insight! For those who aren't familiar with Boyd, here's what he has in mind: "Generate many non-cooperative centers of gravity ... in order to magnify friction, shatter cohesion, produce paralysis, and bring about collapse." (Patterns, 117) One way to do this is to pump up things like ambiguity, deception, and fast transients and by exploiting cheng/ch'i maneuvers -- all of which are now happening to us in Iraq and in the "war on terror" (or whatever it now is) generally.

Is anybody else disturbed that our commander-in-chief is now abruptly and publicly overruling his field commanders?


My - I should learn English someday:

I wrote: "where Greenspan is not chooking off Bush's spend-and-decrease-taxes fueled bubble."

I intended to write: "where Greenspan is now choking off Bush's spend-and-decrease-taxes fueled bubbles."

@Chet - it is disturbing. How did this administration, which ruled nearly without unintended leaks until recently, is getting so unraveled. Is Rove too busy with other stuff? Are they concentrating on something else?
It makes them unpredictable and even if this (most likely) is unintended it is dangerous as friends and foos are lost in doubt and may act on assumptions that are wrong.


Apparently Rumsfeld got wind that General Byrnes was "weak on the war," meaning he was critical of the way the brass was fighting it. He was one of 10 generals who were planning to write a condemnation of US war policy. So Rumsfeld had him scrutinized, and lol and behold, he had a girlfriend before he was officially divorced (just separated.) So out he goes.

LOL they are attacking TRADOC now for being pinko scum. Who next, OPFOR?

Oh wait, OPFOR is under TRADOC IIRC. Silly me.

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