Since we have passed the peak without initiating major corrective measures, we now have to rely primarily on methods that we have already engineered. Long-term research and development projects, no matter how noble their objectives, have to take a back seat while we deal with the short-term problems. Long-term examples in the proposed 2007 US budget (Feb. 9, 2006 New York Times page A-18) include a 65 percent increase in the programs to produce ethanol from corn, a 25.8 percent increase for developing hydrogen fuel cell cars, and a 78.5 percent increase in spending on solar energy research. The Times reports that solar energy today supplies one percent of US electricity; the hope is to double that to 2 percent by the year 2025. By 2025, we're going to be back in the Stone Age.
Ethanol, fuel cells, and solar cells are not the only shimmering dreams. Methane hydrates, oil shale, and the Yucca Mountain radioactive waste depository would be better off forgotten. There are plenty of solid opportunities. Energy conservation is by far the most important. Initiatives that are already engineered and ready to go are biodiesel from palm oil, coal gasification (for both gaseous and liquid fuels), high-efficiency diesel automobiles, and revamping our food supply. Every little bit helps, but even if wind energy continues its success it will still be a little bit.
That's it. I can now refer to the world oil peak in the past tense. My career as a prophet is over. I'm now an historian.
Deffeyes' piece is conveniently available on DNI:
While there, check out the presentation by Michael Simmons on the same subject - 5 MB PDF - link from home page.
Posted by: Chet Richards | February 15, 2006 at 10:58 AM
Chet. Any reason I can't get to dni anymore?
Server is unavailable to me for weeks. Is this 'cos you're blocking requests from south america?
Posted by: phil jones | February 15, 2006 at 12:30 PM
Sorry Chet. I thought I had the link in the body text. Fixed.
Posted by: John Robb | February 15, 2006 at 02:35 PM
Phil -- we're hosted by Network Solutions and as far as I know, we aren't blocking anybody.
Have your tried our other URL:
Posted by: Chet Richards | February 15, 2006 at 03:21 PM
Thanks Chet. That other link works fine.
ah, now the d-n-i one does too. Cool.
Posted by: phil jones | February 16, 2006 at 01:57 AM