All of this seems so irrelevant to the future. Nothing really interesting or cool seems to be coming out of these Web 2.0 companies...
The next big thing. The monster trend that is going to fundamentally change your life like the Internet did, is being covered here... No fancy conferences, corporate sponsors, and IPOs. The entrepreneurs in this trend's space don't play by those rules.
John, I don't agree with you. I'm involved with a startup, called Blogtronix. Our aim is to support the agile enterprise. How? We'll combine blogs, wiki, social networking, video and audio integration...
Posted by: Dimitar Vesselinovd | February 18, 2006 at 06:14 PM
Good luck.
Posted by: John Robb | February 18, 2006 at 06:23 PM
It may be just me. I need a vacation...
Posted by: John Robb | February 18, 2006 at 09:26 PM
Isn't "Global Guerrillas" an idea which was formed in the context of thinking about, and spread almost entirely by blog? As I see it, web 2.0 is really just the tip that you and Winer etc. were on years ago, going mainstream.
More importantly, isn't there more serious thinking that could be done as to how to build new kinds of networks to cope with systems disruption? And don't Web 2.0 ideas have some role in that? Eg. quick and easy to build redundancy, early warning and monitoring mechanisms.?
Posted by: phil jones | February 19, 2006 at 07:36 PM