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March 27, 2006



It's getting to the point where I wonder if the people making the charges are even remotely sane.

You are quite late in this.

John Robb

LOL, true.


Is it a question of MSM/Legacy Media being valid or being too narrowly focused or not trying hard enough? Most likely a mix of the three . . .

There is no doubt that “if it bleeds it leads” is still the way business is done. I would not want people to get the impression that Iraq (or Darfour, if that even makes the nightly news) is all sweetness and light, but that there are no positive stories or that they are inaccessible doesn’t ring true. Guys with names like Peters, Roggio, Yon, Hanson, Bay, Treuren, etc. all seem able to get not only a different and probably better informed view on things but also the “feel good” items. Is there a PAO or OPSEC guy on their cases for reporting on the positive? If there is they don’t seem to be doing a very good job.

The messengers don’t deserve a bullet, but smack up-side the head probably wouldn’t hurt.

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